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Autonomous Differential Drive Mobile Robot - Base Package

DiffBot Base Package

This package contains the so called hardware interface of DiffBot which represents the real hardware in software to work with ROS Control.

ROS Control Overview.

This package contains the platform-specific code for the base controller component required by the ROS Navigation Stack. It consists of the firmware based on rosserial for the Teensy MCU and the C++ node running on the SBC that instantiates the ROS Control hardware interface, which includes the controller_manager control loop for the real robot.

The low-level base_controller component reads the encoder ticks from the hardware, calculates angular joint positions and velocities, and publishes them to the ROS Control hardware interface. Making use of this interface makes it possible to use the diff_drive_controller package from ROS Control. It provides a controller (DiffDriveController) for a differential drive mobile base that computes target joint velocities from commands received by either a teleop node or the ROS Navigation Stack. The computed target joint velocities are forwarded to the low-level base controller, where they are compared to the measured velocities to compute suitable motor PWM signals using two separate PID controllers, one for each motor.

Another part of this package is a launch file that will

  • Load the robot description from diffbot_description to the paramter server
  • Run the hardware interface of this package diffbot_base
  • Load the controller configuration yaml from the diffbot_control package to the parameter server
  • Load the controllers with the controller manager
  • Load the value of the encoder resolution to the parameter server

Low-Level vs High-Level PID

There exist (at least) two commonly used approaches to control a robot base.

The difference between the two presented approaches here is where the PID controller(s) that control each motor are kept. One possibility is to run these PIDs on the high level hardware interface on the SBC and sending the computed output commands to a motor driver node. Another option operates the PIDs on the low-level microcontroller hardware. For DiffBot these approaches are refered to as

  • High-Level PIDs running on the hardware interface on the SBC
  • Low-Level PIDs running on the firmware of the microcontroller

The DiffBot project initially used the PID controllers in the high level hardware interface. From release 1.0.0 on two low-level PIDs are operating on the low-level base controller hardware.

This section focuses on the current approach (low-level PIDs). The previous approach (high-level PID) is documented in High-Level Approach.

Developing a low-level controller firmware and a high-level ROS Control hardware interface for a differential drive robot

In the following two sections, the base controller, mentioned in the Navigation Stack, will be developed.

Navigation Stack

For DiffBot/Remo, this platform-specific node is split into two software components.

The first component is the high-level diffbot::DiffBotHWInterface that inherits from hardware_interface::RobotHW, acting as an interface between robot hardware and the packages of ROS Control that communicate with the Navigation Stack and provide diff_drive_controller – one of many available controllers from ROS Control. With the gazebo_ros_control plugin, the same controller including its configuration can be used in simulation and the real robot.

An overview of ROS Control in simulation and the real world is given in the following figure (

ROS Control simulation and reality

ROS Control in Simulation and Reality

The second component is the low-level base controller that measures angular wheel joint positions and velocities and applies the commands from the high-level interface to the wheel joints. The following figure shows the communication between the two components:

Block diagram of low-level controller and high-level hardware interface

Block diagram of the low-level controller and the high-level hardware interface (ROS Control)

The low-level base controller uses two PID controllers to compute PWM signals for each motor based on the error between measured and target wheel velocities. RobotHW receives measured joint states (angular position (rad) and angular velocity (rad/s)) from which it updates its joint values. With these measured velocities and the desired command velocity (geometry_msgs/Twist message on the cmd_vel topic), from the Navigation Stack, the diff_drive_controller computes the target angular velocities for both wheel joints using the mathematical equations of a differential drive robot. This controller works with continuous wheel joints through a VelocityJointInterface class. The computed target commands are then published within the high-level hardware interface inside the robot's RobotHW::write method. Additionally, the controller computes and publishes the odometry on the odom topic (nav_msgs/Odometry) and the transform from odom to base_footprint.

Having explained the two components of the base controller, the low-level firmware is implemented first. The high-level hardware interface follows the next section.

But before this an introduction to the PID controllers are given in PID Controllers.

diffbot_base Package

The diffbot_base package was created with catkin-tools:

fjp@diffbot:/home/fjp/catkin_ws/src$ catkin create pkg diffbot_base --catkin-deps diff_drive_controller hardware_interface roscpp sensor_msgs rosparam_shortcuts                 
Creating package "diffbot_base" in "/home/fjp/catkin_ws/src"...
Created file diffbot_base/package.xml
Created file diffbot_base/CMakeLists.txt
Created folder diffbot_base/include/diffbot_base
Created folder diffbot_base/src
Successfully created package files in /home/fjp/catkin_ws/src/diffbot_base.

To work with this package the specified dependencies must be installed either using the available Ubuntu/Debian packages for ROS Noetic or they have to be built from source first. The following table lists the dependencies should have been install during the initial setup phase. These dependencies are not already part of the ROS Noetic desktop full installation but required for the diffbot_base package.


Follow the instructions at ROS Noetic Setup on how to setup ROS and the obtain (system) dependencies section on how to install all required dependencies. Performing these steps avoids installing any dependencies manually.

Dependency Source Ubuntu/Debian Package
rosparam_shortcuts ros-noetic-rosparam-shortcuts
hardware_interface ros-noetic-ros-control
diff_drive_controller ros-noetic-ros-controllers